The most risky airport landings (four are in the US)

Clapping upon landing can be forgiven at these airports!

Stars Insider

14/03/25 | StarsInsider


Flying a plane is no easy feat. It requires precision, quick decision-making, and the ability to handle unpredictable weather conditions, all while ensuring the safety of everyone on board. Thanks to aircraft technology, more efficient air traffic control, and improved training for pilots and mechanics, air travel is safer and more reliable than ever before. Despite this, one of the riskiest parts of any flight remains the final approach and landing, and at some airports around the world this is a nail-biting experience for even the most seasoned of travelers.

From Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport, with the shortest runway in the world, to Barra Airport with its beach runway, this gallery features some of the most hair-raising airport landings on the planet. Click on to discover them all.

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