How air pollution is interfering with bee pollination

Their highly attuned senses are thrown off-kilter

Stars Insider

29/11/24 | StarsInsider


Contaminated air, as it turns out, is not only bad for humans, but has a nasty impact on Mother Nature as well. Bees and other pollinators are known for their delicate partnership with flowers and plants, which is essential in maintaining the world’s ecosystems and food supply. But as the air grows thicker with pollution, this harmony that has lasted for millennia is being disrupted. Bees (and even butterflies and moths) are unable to navigate to their floral destinations, and this could prove disastrous for the natural world.

Why does pollution have such a destructive impact on these tiny creatures, and what would happen if bees are unable to meet their pollination quota? Click through this gallery to find out.

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