The funniest pictures from the 2024 Olympics

A never-ending supply of funny faces and playful poses

Stars Insider

13/08/24 | StarsInsider


Every time the Olympic Games come around, photographers from all over the world crowd to stadiums and arenas to capture the perfect photo. And while there have been some incredibly impressive pictures from the Olympics this year, there have also been some hilarious ones that will put a smile on anyone’s face.

Australian B-girl Raygun has become an internet sensation since her performance at the first-ever Olympic breaking competition on Friday, August 9. The 36-year-old university lecturer was knocked out of the competition in the first round after failing to score a single point, but has nonetheless become the most famous of her competitors. Unfortunately, the internet was not exactly polite in their criticism of her unique style, but her creative moves still brought joy to millions and millions who watched her performance. They included a kangaroo hop, a backward roll, and various contortions she pulled while crawling around on the ground. 

Between celebratory poses and downright awkward facial expressions, click through the gallery to see some funny moments captured by the camera at this year’s Olympics.

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