The Windrush: one of the most shameful episodes in recent British history

Who were the Windrush generation?

Stars Insider

30/08/24 | StarsInsider


On a summer's day in 1948, a ship docked at London's Tilbury Docks. On board were several hundred Caribbean immigrants seeking a new life in Great Britain. With high hopes and expectations, they disembarked. Many found jobs, married, and had families. For all intents and purposes they were British citizens fully assimilated into British society. Then, 70 years later, they were suddenly told that they were living in the United Kingdom illegally and threatened with deportation.

This is the story of the Windrush generation and a scandal that became one of the most shameful episodes in recent British history. Through no fault of their own, many hundreds of people were unable to prove they were in the country legally. What had began as a dream was slowly turning into a nightmare. But who were the Windrush generation, and why were they mistreated?

Click through and find out more about the people who characterized mass migration in Britain.

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