China ramps up aggression with Taiwan, ambassador confirms

The Taiwanese are ready to fight in response

Stars Insider

09/10/24 | StarsInsider


Taiwan’s top official in the US warned not only that China had escalated the level of aggression to the island nation but also that the Taiwanese people, in response, are ready to fight and defend their home country. The ambassador invokes the example of the Ukrainian defense for the past two years against Russia as a perfect example of the military defense that Taiwan would be capable of if need be against an opponent such as China. With speculation of a full-scale invasion of Taiwan by China by 2027, this escalation comes as further proof that this prediction might really be on the mark.

This high-level tension and divide comes from decades of China's ruling Communist Party insisting that Taiwan is part of its territory and the persistent vow to eventually “unify” Taiwan with the mainland, using force if necessary. But why all this saber-rattling and animosity between Beijing and Taipei?

For the answers, click through this gallery for an overview of the complicated relationship between Taiwan and China.

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