The biggest Native American tribes in the US today

This is what the census shows

Stars Insider

06/02/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Indigenous people

It's commonly believed that Native American origins go way back to the Ice Age, when the first humans migrated across the Bering Strait and into what is now North America. Over time, they spread across the continent and into South America, establishing distinct tribes, territories, and cultures. And although some customs and traditions have been lost to colonization, war, and missionary efforts, many tribes still maintain their unique identity that honors their rich ancestral history.

In this gallery, we've used the latest data from Census Bureau, the most comprehensive recent population report on the Native American population in the US, to compile a list of the 30 largest Native American tribes today. The tribes are ranked based on the number of people who identify as members of this tribe alone or in any combination (such as Apache and Navajo). The data tracks the identity of tribes more generally as well as specific nations. As a result, certain indigenous groups may appear multiple times on the list, like the Cherokee and the Cherokee Nation. Also, some of the cited tribal populations, including the Aztecs and Inca, represent migration from countries such as Mexico and Peru.

So, curious? Then click on to discover the biggest Native American tribes in the US today.

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