Tourists evacuated from Eiffel Tower following fire report

Approximately 1,200 tourists were evacuated from the iconic Paris landmark this Tuesday

Stars Insider

19 hours ago | StarsInsider


More than a thousand tourists were evacuated from the iconic Eiffel Tower this Tuesday, following reports of a fire in an elevator shaft between the first and second floors.

The fire, caused by an overheated elevator cable around 10:30 a.m. (local time), has been contained. Access to the tower remains restricted during the ongoing operation.

The Eiffel Tower had a major fire in January 1956. It damaged the TV control room and the top section. Repairs took a year, and a new radio antenna was added to the top.

Although there were no casualties in this Eiffel Tower fire, fire has historically been a destructive force, impacting civilizations from Ancient Rome to modern times.

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