The most outrageous scandals of Donald Trump's political career

A summary of the president-elect's greatest controversies

Stars Insider

02/01/25 | StarsInsider


Donald Trump’s presidential legacy contains many dubious milestones. Trump was the first US president to be impeached twice. Shortly after his presidency came to an end, he became the first president in history to face criminal charges. In 2024, he faced a whopping 91 charges across four different cases. He was found guilty of 34 of those charges and became the first presidential felon. On top of that, he's facing many civil cases that have also been brought against him relating to financial crimes, assaults, and the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

There’s no doubt that Trump was the most controversial and scandalous president in American history, and that was just in his first term! To get up to speed on his unprecedented political career, click through this gallery.

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