How understanding Qi (chi) can increase your daily energy

Feeling sluggish? Your Qi could be stagnant

Stars Insider

27/09/24 | StarsInsider


Qi (or chi) is the energy of the universe, according to Chinese culture. That sense of vitality you feel flowing through yourself moves through all living beings, and is what is considered to connect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. If you feel low, unmotivated, or a lack of energy, it can mean there is a blockage somewhere in the body. Our chi is our "essence," and when it cannot flow freely, we feel the lack of an animating force in our life. You may become stagnant or sluggish, and find normal activities more difficult. But fear not: there are ways to boost your chi naturally, so you can enjoy movement in your life again!

Intrigued? Click on to learn about this fascinating concept.

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