The worst (and best) vice presidents in US history

The strengths and weaknesses of vice-presidential picks

Stars Insider

31/05/24 | StarsInsider


The vice president of the United States holds the second-highest office in the executive branch of the US federal government. The role is essentially "a heartbeat away from the presidency," meaning that if a sitting president dies, is temporarily incapacitated, or is impeached, the vice president takes over. However, constitutionally, the main responsibility of the vice president is the role of president of the Senate. It's a position that comes with a lot of responsibility and, for the most part, those who've been tasked with the job have served with distinction. In fact, there are some who have risen beyond the call of duty. But there are also others who have let themselves, and their country, down. This list of history's best and worst vice presidents reflects the opinions of noted journalists and political analysts from a number of noteworthy magazines, newspapers, and TV news channels.

Intrigued? Click through the following gallery and find out the strengths and weaknesses of vice-presidential picks.

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