Trinidad and Tobago declare emergency over escalating gang violence

Crime rates and murders are soaring

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider


President Christine Kangaloo has issued a declaration confirming that the Caribbean nation has gone into a state of emergency, following the advice of Prime Minister Keith Rowley. The move follows increased pressure to cut down on violence in the lead-up to Trinidad and Tobago’s general election, which must be held by August 2025.

Crime figures in the twin-island nation have been worsening and there have been a record number of murders this year, with over 620 in a 1.5 million population. This is one of the highest homicide rates in Latin America and the Caribbean. Organized crime and the international drug trade are thought to be responsible for the majority of these cases. 

Being in a state of emergency means that police will now have increased authority to arrest people they believe to be involved in crimes, specifically the use of firearms, and search and enter any premises necessary. However, there will not be a curfew and plans for the upcoming carnival that draws tens of thousands of tourists to Trinidad in early March are still unclear. 

Sadly, many countries battle the existence of gang life and the violence that follows them. Click through the gallery to find out which countries have been most affected by these criminal groups. 

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