Where does Halloween come from?

The Celtic roots of spooky season celebrations

Stars Insider

2 hours ago | StarsInsider

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Carving faces into pumpkins, wearing costumes, playing games, trick or treating—for many, Halloween is a reminder of childhood. Spooky stories told around the fire, scary movies, and lots of candy: what's not to like? But did you know Halloween has its roots as a pagan festival, Samhain, celebrated to honor the souls of the dead?

The Celts believed the veil between this world and the Otherworld was thinnest at this time, so spirits—both good and evil—would roam the Earth. It was necessary to frighten the bad ones away, while making the most of the opportunity to communicate with crossed-over loved ones. As a result, disguise and divination became customary. We know what came after!

Intrigued? Then click on the following gallery to learn more about the roots of Halloween.

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