Ever wondered about the long-lost art of the blacksmith?

This traditional trade and artform is still practiced by a small community

Stars Insider

11/09/24 | StarsInsider


The reality competition show 'Forged in Fire' on the History Channel has drawn a significant amount of attention to the art of bladesmithing and metalsmithing in general. Bladesmiths use similar metalworking techniques to those employed by blacksmiths, who have been honing their craft for centuries. Blacksmithing, also referred to as metalsmithing, involves the creation of items using various metals. The term "black" in blacksmith refers to iron, which turns black when heated and exposed to oxygen. The origin of the term "smith" is uncertain, but it is believed to stem from the Old English word "smythe," meaning "to strike." 

Click through and prepare to be fired up by this timeline that forges the history of the blacksmith.

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