Like 22 atomic bombs: The asteroid that will hit the Earth is called Bennu

Many asteroids have already hit the earth

Stars Insider

30/01/25 | StarsInsider


Researchers have determined the precise date when an asteroid could potentially impact Earth, carrying with it a power equivalent to that of 22 atomic bombs. This celestial object, named Bennu, approaches our planet every six years. However, scientists believe that September 24, 2182, could be the date when there is a real risk of collision between Earth and the asteroid.

Despite the potential date of the apocalyptic event being far off, NASA is currently engaged in intense efforts to deflect the asteroid Bennu and is in the final phase of its mission. Seven years ago, the American space agency launched a probe towards the asteroid with the goal of collecting samples, with the hope that the gathered information could help prevent a possible catastrophic encounter. 

Asteroids have hit the Earth many times throughout the years. Check out the following gallery for some of the most meaningful impacts.

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