Why we need an alternative to palm oil

Has the "holy grail" of palm oil replacement been found?

Stars Insider

20/09/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Environment

Palm oil is the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet. Indeed, it is estimated that almost half of all food and cosmetic products on supermarket shelves contain palm oil. But the cultivation of this widespread and versatile commodity continues to be a major driver of deforestation. Furthermore, its increased demand is leading some animals to near extinction.

Food experts have long sought an alternative to palm oil, and a team of researchers based in Scotland may well have come up with the answer. Meanwhile, the controversy surrounding this cheap and efficient crop continues. But why does this particular oil have such a bad reputation, and what are the other solutions being looked at to make production more sustainable?

Click through and find out why we need an alternative to palm oil.

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