What happened to the girl who shocked the world in the 1970s?

The incredible story of Christiane F.

Stars Insider

19/12/24 | StarsInsider


Based on a best-selling book, 'Christiane F.' was one of the most talked about films of the early '80s, a harrowing tale about a teenaged girl trapped in crime-ravaged West Berlin in the 1970s and surviving on drugs and prostitution. And the most shocking aspect about the movie was that it was all true. Christiane Felscherinow survived her ordeal and briefly enjoyed celebrity status in Europe and the United States. However, temptation was never far away, and she soon fell back into old habits, arrested and convicted on several occasions for possession of illicit substances and drug abuse. But what happened next, and was Christiane F. able to overcome her personal demons?

Click through and relive the story that shocked the world in the 1970s.

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