Which type of drunk are you? Your star sign has the answer!
Drunk astrology, anyone?
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Most of us like a drink from time to time, and some of us like a lot of drinks a lot of the time. Regardless, we're all capable of some major personality shifts when we're on the sauce. A few cocktails and your shyest colleague might be up dancing on the table, or your most composed friend might be crying on your shoulder in a McDonald's. Indeed, most of us have a drunken alter ego that can vary depending on the drink of choice and the situation–but how does this tie into astrology?
Anyone who knows a bit about the zodiac knows that the personality traits associated with each sign are scarily accurate! These same indicators can be used to predict the surprising effects alcohol has on your mood and behavior. To see what we mean, click through the following gallery to find out what type of drunk you are based on your star sign.
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