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- Although references to Jesus beyond the Bible are limited, historian André Chevitarese explains that a handful of authors have recorded comparable details about his life.
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- The most recognized written accounts are associated with Flavius Josephus, a Jewish scholar from the 1st century CE. In his work 'Antiquities of the Jews,' Josephus mentions Jesus on two occasions.
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2 / 29 Fotos
- A specialist in forensic science, British researcher Richard Neave used his expertise to reconstruct the face of an average adult from the era in which Jesus lived. The outcome revealed a dark-skinned man with short hair—a stark contrast to the conventional portrayal of Jesus as a fair-skinned individual with long hair and blue eyes.
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God's messenger
- The Gospel of Luke highlights that Jesus possessed considerable knowledge from a young age.
© Shutterstock
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Stance on homosexuality
- An often overlooked fact is that the Bible does not record Jesus condemning homosexuality. In fact, he never even mentioned it.
© Shutterstock
5 / 29 Fotos
- Despite the widespread celebration of Christmas on December 25, it's worth noting that the New Testament doesn't specify the actual day of Jesus' birth.
© Shutterstock
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Jesus wasn't born on December 25
- Based on research, it is suggested that Jesus' birth is more likely to have occurred between May and November—the hottest months in Israel.
© Shutterstock
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Three Wise Men
- Upon spotting the guiding star signaling the birth of Christ, the Three Wise Men embarked on their journey to Bethlehem. Researchers have retraced their probable route and determined that it would have taken them approximately two years to reach their destination. This means that they couldn't have visited Jesus in the stable shortly after his birth.
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Star of Bethlehem
- Astronomers theorize that the star that heralded Jesus' birth could have resulted from a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter. This astronomical occurrence took place in the Pisces constellation in 7 BCE.
© Getty Images
9 / 29 Fotos
- The town of Nazareth held little significance and was relatively small. It's even playfully criticized in the Gospel of John. In this context, Philip the Apostle informs Nathanael that the Messiah has been discovered in Nazareth, to which Nathanael responds, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"
© Shutterstock
10 / 29 Fotos
- The Greek term for Jesus's occupation is "tekton." While "carpenter" is the frequently used translation, scholars clarify that the term encompassed craftsmen and builders. It's more probable that Jesus worked as a mason.
© Shutterstock
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- His lineage can be traced back to King David, a figure known for his considerable wealth in biblical history. Various aspects of Jesus' life also indicate that his family was relatively affluent.
© Getty Images
12 / 29 Fotos
- The misconception of Jesus being poor likely stems from the fact that he was born in a stable. However, this was primarily due to unfortunate circumstances. A census was underway in Bethlehem precisely when Mary was going into labor, leading to an influx of people from nearby areas to the town. With all the inns already occupied, the couple had no choice but to seek shelter in a stable for Mary to give birth.
© Shutterstock
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- During his crucifixion, Jesus is mentioned to have been clothed in a distinctive tunic that was typically worn by wealthier individuals of that era. The Bible says that the soldiers even fought amongst themselves over who got to keep his clothes.
© Getty Images
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Fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about Jesus
- There are those who hold reverence for the teachings attributed to Jesus but reject the notion that these teachings were divinely bestowed upon him by God.
© Getty Images
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A philosopher and humanitarian
- For Christian atheists, Jesus isn't seen as the offspring of an omnipotent deity; instead, he's regarded as a philosopher and humanitarian.
© Shutterstock
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The sacred book of Islam
- In the Quran, the holy text of Islam, Jesus is referenced more frequently than the Prophet Muhammad. Jesus is mentioned 25 times, whereas Muhammad is mentioned only four times.
© Getty Images
17 / 29 Fotos
- In Islam, Jesus is acknowledged as a prophet, although he is not considered the son of God. Interestingly, there is a designated tomb for Jesus Christ next to Muhammad's tomb in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
© Shutterstock
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Divine rage
- While filming Mel Gibson's 2004 movie, 'The Passion of the Christ,' two people were struck by lightning. One of them was Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Jesus in the film.
© NL Beeld
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More lightning...
- A 65 ft (20 m) statue of Jesus situated beside a church in Monroe, Ohio, was hit by lighting, which caused it to burst into flames. It was completely destroyed.
© Shutterstock
20 / 29 Fotos
- According to historical accounts, Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters. The names of his brothers were James, Joseph, Jude, and Simon. There are theories suggesting that these brothers might have been his father's sons from a previous marriage or even cousins. In the Bible, Jesus' brother James (pictured) is tragically stoned to death.
© Getty Images
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- Following 15 years of excavation efforts, archaeologist Amit Re'em and his team successfully unearthed Herod's Palace. Situated in the western region of Jerusalem, this palace is historically recognized as the site where Jesus was condemned to death.
© Shutterstock
22 / 29 Fotos
- An astonishing ancient text originating from the 9th century CE was verified by historians and revealed to the public in 2012. This document, sometimes called the "lost gospel," suggests that Jesus was married. The text also contains references to the name Mary, prompting some to speculate that his wife could have been Mary Magdalene.
© Getty Images
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Burden of the cross
- Evidence indicates that Jesus likely bore only the horizontal component of the cross, known as the patibulum. Due to its weight of approximately 60 pounds (27 kg), he probably dragged the cross instead of carrying it on his back.
© Getty Images
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The crucifixion
- Contrary to common depictions, historical understanding suggests that Jesus was not crucified through his hands but rather through his wrists. If his hands had been used, they likely would torn due to his body weight and he would have fallen.
© Shutterstock
25 / 29 Fotos
The crucifixion
- While the process of death by crucifixion could theoretically last for days, Jesus died around six hours after it began. The crucifixion took place around 9 am, and he passed away at approximately 3 pm that same afternoon.
© Shutterstock
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- According to the Bible, Jesus' death is believed to have taken place on Good Friday.
© Getty Images
27 / 29 Fotos
- Historians have deduced that Jesus' death likely took place in either 30 or 33 CE. Clues derived from records on figures such as Pontius Pilate and Tiberius suggest that 33 CE is more likely the year of his death. Sources: (Britannica) (History) (Live Science) (Deseret News) (CNN) (NPR)
© Shutterstock
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© Getty Images
0 / 29 Fotos
- Although references to Jesus beyond the Bible are limited, historian André Chevitarese explains that a handful of authors have recorded comparable details about his life.
© Getty Images
1 / 29 Fotos
- The most recognized written accounts are associated with Flavius Josephus, a Jewish scholar from the 1st century CE. In his work 'Antiquities of the Jews,' Josephus mentions Jesus on two occasions.
© Getty Images
2 / 29 Fotos
- A specialist in forensic science, British researcher Richard Neave used his expertise to reconstruct the face of an average adult from the era in which Jesus lived. The outcome revealed a dark-skinned man with short hair—a stark contrast to the conventional portrayal of Jesus as a fair-skinned individual with long hair and blue eyes.
© Getty Images
3 / 29 Fotos
God's messenger
- The Gospel of Luke highlights that Jesus possessed considerable knowledge from a young age.
© Shutterstock
4 / 29 Fotos
Stance on homosexuality
- An often overlooked fact is that the Bible does not record Jesus condemning homosexuality. In fact, he never even mentioned it.
© Shutterstock
5 / 29 Fotos
- Despite the widespread celebration of Christmas on December 25, it's worth noting that the New Testament doesn't specify the actual day of Jesus' birth.
© Shutterstock
6 / 29 Fotos
Jesus wasn't born on December 25
- Based on research, it is suggested that Jesus' birth is more likely to have occurred between May and November—the hottest months in Israel.
© Shutterstock
7 / 29 Fotos
Three Wise Men
- Upon spotting the guiding star signaling the birth of Christ, the Three Wise Men embarked on their journey to Bethlehem. Researchers have retraced their probable route and determined that it would have taken them approximately two years to reach their destination. This means that they couldn't have visited Jesus in the stable shortly after his birth.
© Shutterstock
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Star of Bethlehem
- Astronomers theorize that the star that heralded Jesus' birth could have resulted from a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter. This astronomical occurrence took place in the Pisces constellation in 7 BCE.
© Getty Images
9 / 29 Fotos
- The town of Nazareth held little significance and was relatively small. It's even playfully criticized in the Gospel of John. In this context, Philip the Apostle informs Nathanael that the Messiah has been discovered in Nazareth, to which Nathanael responds, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"
© Shutterstock
10 / 29 Fotos
- The Greek term for Jesus's occupation is "tekton." While "carpenter" is the frequently used translation, scholars clarify that the term encompassed craftsmen and builders. It's more probable that Jesus worked as a mason.
© Shutterstock
11 / 29 Fotos
- His lineage can be traced back to King David, a figure known for his considerable wealth in biblical history. Various aspects of Jesus' life also indicate that his family was relatively affluent.
© Getty Images
12 / 29 Fotos
- The misconception of Jesus being poor likely stems from the fact that he was born in a stable. However, this was primarily due to unfortunate circumstances. A census was underway in Bethlehem precisely when Mary was going into labor, leading to an influx of people from nearby areas to the town. With all the inns already occupied, the couple had no choice but to seek shelter in a stable for Mary to give birth.
© Shutterstock
13 / 29 Fotos
- During his crucifixion, Jesus is mentioned to have been clothed in a distinctive tunic that was typically worn by wealthier individuals of that era. The Bible says that the soldiers even fought amongst themselves over who got to keep his clothes.
© Getty Images
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Fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about Jesus
- There are those who hold reverence for the teachings attributed to Jesus but reject the notion that these teachings were divinely bestowed upon him by God.
© Getty Images
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A philosopher and humanitarian
- For Christian atheists, Jesus isn't seen as the offspring of an omnipotent deity; instead, he's regarded as a philosopher and humanitarian.
© Shutterstock
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The sacred book of Islam
- In the Quran, the holy text of Islam, Jesus is referenced more frequently than the Prophet Muhammad. Jesus is mentioned 25 times, whereas Muhammad is mentioned only four times.
© Getty Images
17 / 29 Fotos
- In Islam, Jesus is acknowledged as a prophet, although he is not considered the son of God. Interestingly, there is a designated tomb for Jesus Christ next to Muhammad's tomb in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
© Shutterstock
18 / 29 Fotos
Divine rage
- While filming Mel Gibson's 2004 movie, 'The Passion of the Christ,' two people were struck by lightning. One of them was Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Jesus in the film.
© NL Beeld
19 / 29 Fotos
More lightning...
- A 65 ft (20 m) statue of Jesus situated beside a church in Monroe, Ohio, was hit by lighting, which caused it to burst into flames. It was completely destroyed.
© Shutterstock
20 / 29 Fotos
- According to historical accounts, Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters. The names of his brothers were James, Joseph, Jude, and Simon. There are theories suggesting that these brothers might have been his father's sons from a previous marriage or even cousins. In the Bible, Jesus' brother James (pictured) is tragically stoned to death.
© Getty Images
21 / 29 Fotos
- Following 15 years of excavation efforts, archaeologist Amit Re'em and his team successfully unearthed Herod's Palace. Situated in the western region of Jerusalem, this palace is historically recognized as the site where Jesus was condemned to death.
© Shutterstock
22 / 29 Fotos
- An astonishing ancient text originating from the 9th century CE was verified by historians and revealed to the public in 2012. This document, sometimes called the "lost gospel," suggests that Jesus was married. The text also contains references to the name Mary, prompting some to speculate that his wife could have been Mary Magdalene.
© Getty Images
23 / 29 Fotos
Burden of the cross
- Evidence indicates that Jesus likely bore only the horizontal component of the cross, known as the patibulum. Due to its weight of approximately 60 pounds (27 kg), he probably dragged the cross instead of carrying it on his back.
© Getty Images
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The crucifixion
- Contrary to common depictions, historical understanding suggests that Jesus was not crucified through his hands but rather through his wrists. If his hands had been used, they likely would torn due to his body weight and he would have fallen.
© Shutterstock
25 / 29 Fotos
The crucifixion
- While the process of death by crucifixion could theoretically last for days, Jesus died around six hours after it began. The crucifixion took place around 9 am, and he passed away at approximately 3 pm that same afternoon.
© Shutterstock
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- According to the Bible, Jesus' death is believed to have taken place on Good Friday.
© Getty Images
27 / 29 Fotos
- Historians have deduced that Jesus' death likely took place in either 30 or 33 CE. Clues derived from records on figures such as Pontius Pilate and Tiberius suggest that 33 CE is more likely the year of his death. Sources: (Britannica) (History) (Live Science) (Deseret News) (CNN) (NPR)
© Shutterstock
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Discover the truth about Jesus Christ
What have researchers and historians discovered about his life?
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Jesus Christ is a central figure in Christianity, with his life story forming the foundation of the New Testament in the Bible. Depending on your beliefs, Jesus can be viewed as either the Messiah or a historical figure (or both). While the Bible provides insights into his life, there are few surviving historical records from his era. As a result, secular historians face challenges in sourcing information about Jesus beyond religious texts. Nonetheless, recent decades have seen intriguing findings. Some corroborate biblical narratives, while others tell a very different story.
Click through the gallery to find out what historians have uncovered about the life of Jesus Christ.

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