What is the meaning and symbolism of the letter X?

The fascinating story behind the alphabet's 24th letter

Stars Insider

17/05/24 | StarsInsider


It's the least used in the alphabet, yet the letter X is probably the most powerful. Elon Musk appears to think so, having rebranded Twitter as "X," this following a trend that also saw the tech billionaire change Twitter's legal name to X Corp. But this move is nothing new, really.

Use of the letter X dates back to antiquity. The Romans incorporated X into the Latin alphabet and it later became symbolic of Christianity. Today, still enigmatic and paradoxical, the symbol of X has significance in numerous fields, from science and astrology to sex and spirituality. Fundamentally though, X represents the unknown.

So, how did the letter X evolve, and what are the fascinating secrets it holds? Click on and read through the meaning and symbolism of the alphabet's mysterious 24th letter.

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