The funtastic history of the holiday camp

The travel industry's original staycation option

Stars Insider

25/07/24 | StarsInsider


Taking a vacation at a holiday camp was one of the earliest examples of enjoying an all-inclusive accommodation package. Holidaymakers were encouraged to stay onsite in chalets and take advantage of the entertainment and facilities provided throughout the day. The holiday camp concept is essentially a British idea, though in Europe associations had been founded as early as 1903 that promoted what we would today call the "staycation."

The 1950s saw the holiday camp industry in Great Britain thrive. By the late 1960s, however, the market had declined as people began to holiday overseas. Some camps still operate, but this once favorite vacation option is now for the most part a nostalgic memory. So, how did the traditional holiday camp evolve, and what was it like to stay at one?

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