Planting is resisting: The fascinating world of guerilla gardening

This revolutionary practice can benefit your community and the environment at the same time

Stars Insider

24/09/24 | StarsInsider


Some people love gardening, some people hate it. Some can't think of a better day than one spent carefully tending to plants and flowers, while others can't think of anything besides back pain and pointless aesthetics. Both opinions can be valid in their own right, but there is also a place where these two ideas can come together. A kind of gardening that fosters a deep connection to the Earth, but is also immensely and materially beneficial to one's community. Enter: guerilla gardening.

A guerilla community garden is a place where real community service and environmental activism happens, but trades in the picket signs and megaphones for seeds and gardening gloves. Through guerilla gardening, communities can grow closer, eat better, and make real progress towards a healthier and more beautiful world for everyone.

So, how does guerilla gardening work, what's "guerilla" about it, and what are its benefits? Read on to find out.

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