The most horrific genocides in history

Remembering some of the world's most horrific crimes against humanity

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider


Few words in the world evoke such feelings of pain, loss, and suffering as "genocide." Used to describe the most horrendous and detestable violations of human life, motivated by the most revolting manifestations of hate and prejudice conceivable, genocide is a word that should never be used lightly.

It would be comforting to imagine genocide as a problem of the past that has since been solved, a barbaric habit that we as a species have evolved out of, but that is unfortunately far from the truth. Genocides continue to this day, and the future doesn't promise an end to the misery either. It's important to learn from our past, if we ever want to escape it.

Read on to remember some of modern history's darkest moments, in hopes that we'll never have to relive them.

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