How Scottish is the United States?

Click through and find out who owes their heritage to Scotland.

Stars Insider

14/11/24 | StarsInsider


What do an Academy Award-winning actress, the first man on the Moon, and a legendary country music singer all have in common? They can all claim Scottish-American heritage. Indeed, there are an estimated 25 million people in the US who are of Scottish descent. A few can trace their lineage as far back as the early 1600s, when the Mayflower made landfall in the New World.

Yes, some of America's most famous figures from the worlds of politics, industry, and entertainment hail from the Highlands. What's more, the Scottish have played an important role in American development since European colonization began in the late 15th century. But how many Americans with Scottish ancestry can you name?

Click through and find out who owes their heritage to Scotland.

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