The truth about Nostradamus

What do you know about the man who predicted the future?

Stars Insider

19/03/25 | StarsInsider


From prophets to mystics, to fortune tellers and everything in between, people have claimed for thousands of years to be able to predict the future. However, there's one man who gained particular notoriety for his predictions, and that's Nostradamus.

The French astrologer wrote down nearly a thousand predictions in his 1555 book called 'The Prophecies.' This book made him so famous that he ended up in the French court. And in the centuries since his death, people have credited him for accurately predicting major historical events, such as the French Revolution, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and even the COVID-19 pandemic.

While he knew so much about the world we live in, the intricate details of his life are less well known. Until now. Click on for some surprising facts about the world’s most famous psychic.

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