The Japanese art of haiku: small poems for universal feelings

The world of haiku is in fact vibrant, evocative, and profound

Stars Insider

21/10/24 | StarsInsider


Many of us probably have memories of writing short, clever haikus in school, trying to craft the best verse possible within the confines of the five syllable, seven syllable, five syllable structure. After that, the Japanese poetry style of haiku most likely slipped out of our lives just as suddenly as it slipped in. The challenge presented by its short and sturdy structure forces poets to distill an entire universe of experience and emotion into an incredibly pure expression. Frequently touching on nature, the simplest human gestures, and the smallest precious pleasure of life, haiku can act as a door into the soul of humanity, the natural world, and beyond.

Intrigued? Read on to find out more about the wonderful world of haiku.

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