The spiritual teachers who help guide the world's beliefs

From old masters to new-age practitioners

Stars Insider

28/08/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Spirituality

Everyone has a spiritual side, although they do admittedly veer in wildly different directions from time to time. Our spiritual side helps us navigate the rest of life, from our jobs and aspirations to our relationships and families. Since the beginning of time, there have always been spiritual leaders and teachers who help guide people's beliefs toward what they feel to be the best answers to all of life's questions. Religious leaders from the Pope to Martin Luther King Jr. to Gandhi have fundamentally changed the world at large in different ways, while other teachers of mysticism, New Thought practices, and yoga have changed the way individuals spend their time and interact with the world around them. For better or worse, spiritual teachers hold and always have, an eternal sway in the ways of the world.

Read on to find out about some of the most famous and impactful spiritual teachers in history.

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