The history of the Christmas wreath

What is the origin of this ubiquitous festive season decoration?

Stars Insider

20/12/22 | StarsInsider


The wreath has its origins in antiquity, when it was worn as an ornamental crown. By the 16th century, the Advent wreath had appeared, used in Christianity in preparation for Christmastide. The word "Advent" comes from the Latin word adventus, which means a "coming," "approach," or "arrival." The word wreath derives from the word "writhen," an Old English word meaning "to writhe" or "to twist." Today, the Advent wreath is representative of the festive season, often dressing front doors by way of symbolizing the Christmas spirit that dwells within. But how did this ancient adornment evolve into one of the most ubiquitous of Yuletide symbols?

Click through and find out what the Christmas wreath represents.

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