The greatest human rights issues facing future generations

What problems are we passing on to our children?

Stars Insider

17/03/25 | StarsInsider


Human rights are rights that are inherent to all human beings regardless of their race, gender identity, place of birth, sexuality, religion, or any other factor. We are all entitled to equality, safety, education, and adequate housing. We have the right to live free from slavery and discrimination. These are just a few examples from an incredibly long list drawn up by the United Nations in the International Bill of Human Rights, first created in 1948 to guarantee the basic safety and freedom of all people. Unfortunately, those responsible for upholding and protecting these rights often fall short. In fact, sometimes they are even the ones who actively violate our basic rights.

Click through this gallery to see the greatest challenges we face to our human rights today, and a few more that are on the horizon.

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