Warning: the most dangerous things in your home

Mother of two suffocated after being trapped by an Ottoman bed

Stars Insider

14/10/24 | StarsInsider


Your home is supposed to feel like a safe haven. But whether you realize it or not, there are several things in your space that can actually be dangerous, especially if they're not properly maintained. There are even plenty of things lying around with hidden dangers that you really need to use with caution. This is not only to protect yourself, but also your kids and pets.

In June, a 39-year-old mother of two from Seaham, England, tragically suffocated after an Ottoman bed fell on her due to a faulty piston. Following the incident, coroner Jeremy Chipperfield issued a warning that more deaths could occur in the future if preventive measures are not taken.

From stairs to electronics, read on to discover the many dangerous things in your home that you should keep an eye on. Click on for more.

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