How and why you should write your family history

Discovering the stories beyond the science

Stars Insider

15/11/24 | StarsInsider


Over the last decade or two, DNA ancestry kits you can do at home have become readily available, making amateur genealogy a booming business. The new ease with which we can suddenly uncover our family trees going back generations and crossing borders is truly miraculous. However, while these kits can provide us with some fascinating data, they don't provide us with the stories. Many of us embark on these projects in the hopes of discovering something exciting in our family history, and to do this, we need to get into the details. The reality is that most of us aren't distant cousins of the royal family, but the relatives we do have might be far more interesting if given a chance to tell their stories.

Click through this gallery to see why researching your family history can be so beneficial, and how you can get started on your adventure.

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