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Stories are everything
- Many people map out their family tree, which is certainly an interesting project. But compiling a family history is so much more revealing. Stories provide context and insight, while a family tree can be vague.
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Your family is part of history
- Old boxes of letters and photo albums that have been gathering dust for decades actually have great historical significance. You and your family demonstrate a way of life within a certain community during a certain time in history, which may be of great interest to future generations.
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Get to know your family on a deeper level
- You might get to know your family better, those who are living and those who aren’t.
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Forming stronger bonds with older relatives
- The process of researching and recording your family history inevitably means connecting with older relatives and hearing their stories.
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Understanding relationship dynamics
- As you learn more about your relatives further and further in the past, particularly their personalities and their relationships, you may notice patterns and gain insights into the dynamics that exist within your family today.
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You're part of the story
- You are part of your family history, too, so it's also important to record details and assemble documents and photos about your own life! It can put things in an interesting perspective when you look at your own life through this lens.
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It can be therapeutic
- There are many proven benefits for our mental health and overall well-being that come from writing, especially writing that allows us to reflect on ourselves and our lives. Writing about your milestones and experiences for posterity will surely be therapeutic.
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Writing is reflective
- You can begin to understand yourself better, put your life in perspective, and feel more purpose as you see yourself as part of a wider story.
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Feel wiser
- A survey of people who had compiled their family histories found that 67% felt wiser afterward, and more than half discovered relatives that they hadn't known about before.
© Shutterstock
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Expanding history
- Not all family histories have been well documented—there is a disparity in terms of class and race. The more people who research and record their family histories, the more diverse and accurate our historical texts can become.
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Expanding history
- You can choose to focus on female lines to give a new perspective on the family tree. Traditionally, they have focused on the male line, which bears the surname, leaving many fascinating women out of the story.
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One life touches so many others
- You and your family are important parts of history, even if you don’t know it! The research you assemble may be helpful in the future.
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Medical history
- This kind of research can turn up life-saving information about your medical history, which can then be passed on to future generations. You might discover a genetic illness that runs in the family.
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Thinking ahead - Once you've compiled your family history, you’ll have something of incredible value to pass on to the next generation.
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How to get started
- There are countless benefits, but where to begin? There are many ways to approach a family history project like this. Click on for some advice on how to get started.
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1. Choose a data collection method
- Choose a format to record the information. There are many websites like Ancestry that can help you track your progress. This particular platform already has more than 60 million family trees in its database, so you may also find unexpected connections there!
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2. Plan to digitize
- While you will hopefully come across some primary historical sources such as letters, documents, and photos, you may not be able to keep all of them. Taking photos of such artifacts will be helpful in compiling a digital database anyway.
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3. Start reaching out
- Your living relatives are your greatest sources. When we visit with grandparents and extended family, we often find ourselves in conversational loops that touch on the same topics. If you approach your loved ones with a set of questions about the family history, you might be surprised at the stories that are waiting to be told!
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4. Speak to all generations
- Even cousins and those who are the same age as you may have golden nuggets of information that can help you with your search.
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5. Start with the basics
- Start with basic information such as the full names, birthdays, family homes, etc., of your grandparents and start branching out from there.
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6. Start your treasure hunt
- Attics and basements of family homes are often treasure troves of historical artifacts. Consider yourself a detective looking for clues and find as many supporting documents and photos as you can. You can also carry out this activity with relatives, which is sure to be a bonding activity.
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7. Approach with respect and sensitivity
- Of course, make sure to have the permission of the relative whose home you are searching. It’s important to respect their boundaries and ensure you’re not delving into their private lives too much or running off with items that are precious to them.
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8. Go through your findings together
- You may want to conduct your 'interviews' with your relatives after searching and gathering your family treasures. Going through old records and photographs with them can be a great way to jog their memories and get more context for what you’ve found.
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9. Go online
- There are countless online resources that can help you expand your family tree and add information to the history. Free websites like FamilySearch.com are digitizing all sorts of documents and records. There are databases out there with birth and death records, censuses, border crossings and passports, and much more.
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10. Use social media
- Social media is a fantastic resource in that it allows you to reach out to more distant family members who can help you build your history. This can lead to new friendships and familial connections you never expected.
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11. Find local organizations
- It’s also a great way to find local organizations that may be able to help you. For example, you might be able to get in touch with the historical society or newspaper in a small town associated with one of your ancestors.
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12. DNA tests
- You can also send your DNA to one of the many ancestry services that are now in operation, like Ancestry and 23andMe. They can give you a great head start by finding out more about your family tree and background.
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Proceed with caution
- While these genealogy services are an incredible resource, it’s important to consider the consequences before taking the test. There are sometimes secrets that family members wanted to keep for a reason, whether that be your ancestors or immediate family.
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Measure your expectations
- Genealogy searches on TV shows that feature celebrities always seem to reveal connections to important historical figures or royalty, or associations with major events like the Salem witch trials. The reality is that most family trees feature normal people.
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- The paradox is that there is really no such thing as a 'normal' person. We have all experienced multitudes in life and have countless stories to tell, even if we're not aware of them. Sometimes we just need to ask the right questions. Sources: (National Geographic) (New York Public Library) See also: How to ask better questions
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Stories are everything
- Many people map out their family tree, which is certainly an interesting project. But compiling a family history is so much more revealing. Stories provide context and insight, while a family tree can be vague.
© Shutterstock
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Your family is part of history
- Old boxes of letters and photo albums that have been gathering dust for decades actually have great historical significance. You and your family demonstrate a way of life within a certain community during a certain time in history, which may be of great interest to future generations.
© Shutterstock
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Get to know your family on a deeper level
- You might get to know your family better, those who are living and those who aren’t.
© Shutterstock
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Forming stronger bonds with older relatives
- The process of researching and recording your family history inevitably means connecting with older relatives and hearing their stories.
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Understanding relationship dynamics
- As you learn more about your relatives further and further in the past, particularly their personalities and their relationships, you may notice patterns and gain insights into the dynamics that exist within your family today.
© Shutterstock
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You're part of the story
- You are part of your family history, too, so it's also important to record details and assemble documents and photos about your own life! It can put things in an interesting perspective when you look at your own life through this lens.
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It can be therapeutic
- There are many proven benefits for our mental health and overall well-being that come from writing, especially writing that allows us to reflect on ourselves and our lives. Writing about your milestones and experiences for posterity will surely be therapeutic.
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Writing is reflective
- You can begin to understand yourself better, put your life in perspective, and feel more purpose as you see yourself as part of a wider story.
© Shutterstock
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Feel wiser
- A survey of people who had compiled their family histories found that 67% felt wiser afterward, and more than half discovered relatives that they hadn't known about before.
© Shutterstock
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Expanding history
- Not all family histories have been well documented—there is a disparity in terms of class and race. The more people who research and record their family histories, the more diverse and accurate our historical texts can become.
© Shutterstock
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Expanding history
- You can choose to focus on female lines to give a new perspective on the family tree. Traditionally, they have focused on the male line, which bears the surname, leaving many fascinating women out of the story.
© Shutterstock
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One life touches so many others
- You and your family are important parts of history, even if you don’t know it! The research you assemble may be helpful in the future.
© Shutterstock
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Medical history
- This kind of research can turn up life-saving information about your medical history, which can then be passed on to future generations. You might discover a genetic illness that runs in the family.
© Shutterstock
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Thinking ahead - Once you've compiled your family history, you’ll have something of incredible value to pass on to the next generation.
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How to get started
- There are countless benefits, but where to begin? There are many ways to approach a family history project like this. Click on for some advice on how to get started.
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1. Choose a data collection method
- Choose a format to record the information. There are many websites like Ancestry that can help you track your progress. This particular platform already has more than 60 million family trees in its database, so you may also find unexpected connections there!
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2. Plan to digitize
- While you will hopefully come across some primary historical sources such as letters, documents, and photos, you may not be able to keep all of them. Taking photos of such artifacts will be helpful in compiling a digital database anyway.
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3. Start reaching out
- Your living relatives are your greatest sources. When we visit with grandparents and extended family, we often find ourselves in conversational loops that touch on the same topics. If you approach your loved ones with a set of questions about the family history, you might be surprised at the stories that are waiting to be told!
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4. Speak to all generations
- Even cousins and those who are the same age as you may have golden nuggets of information that can help you with your search.
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5. Start with the basics
- Start with basic information such as the full names, birthdays, family homes, etc., of your grandparents and start branching out from there.
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6. Start your treasure hunt
- Attics and basements of family homes are often treasure troves of historical artifacts. Consider yourself a detective looking for clues and find as many supporting documents and photos as you can. You can also carry out this activity with relatives, which is sure to be a bonding activity.
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7. Approach with respect and sensitivity
- Of course, make sure to have the permission of the relative whose home you are searching. It’s important to respect their boundaries and ensure you’re not delving into their private lives too much or running off with items that are precious to them.
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8. Go through your findings together
- You may want to conduct your 'interviews' with your relatives after searching and gathering your family treasures. Going through old records and photographs with them can be a great way to jog their memories and get more context for what you’ve found.
© Shutterstock
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9. Go online
- There are countless online resources that can help you expand your family tree and add information to the history. Free websites like FamilySearch.com are digitizing all sorts of documents and records. There are databases out there with birth and death records, censuses, border crossings and passports, and much more.
© Getty Images
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10. Use social media
- Social media is a fantastic resource in that it allows you to reach out to more distant family members who can help you build your history. This can lead to new friendships and familial connections you never expected.
© Shutterstock
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11. Find local organizations
- It’s also a great way to find local organizations that may be able to help you. For example, you might be able to get in touch with the historical society or newspaper in a small town associated with one of your ancestors.
© Getty Images
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12. DNA tests
- You can also send your DNA to one of the many ancestry services that are now in operation, like Ancestry and 23andMe. They can give you a great head start by finding out more about your family tree and background.
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Proceed with caution
- While these genealogy services are an incredible resource, it’s important to consider the consequences before taking the test. There are sometimes secrets that family members wanted to keep for a reason, whether that be your ancestors or immediate family.
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Measure your expectations
- Genealogy searches on TV shows that feature celebrities always seem to reveal connections to important historical figures or royalty, or associations with major events like the Salem witch trials. The reality is that most family trees feature normal people.
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- The paradox is that there is really no such thing as a 'normal' person. We have all experienced multitudes in life and have countless stories to tell, even if we're not aware of them. Sometimes we just need to ask the right questions. Sources: (National Geographic) (New York Public Library) See also: How to ask better questions
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How and why you should write your family history
Discovering the stories beyond the science
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Over the last decade or two, DNA ancestry kits you can do at home have become readily available, making amateur genealogy a booming business. The new ease with which we can suddenly uncover our family trees going back generations and crossing borders is truly miraculous. However, while these kits can provide us with some fascinating data, they don't provide us with the stories. Many of us embark on these projects in the hopes of discovering something exciting in our family history, and to do this, we need to get into the details. The reality is that most of us aren't distant cousins of the royal family, but the relatives we do have might be far more interesting if given a chance to tell their stories.
Click through this gallery to see why researching your family history can be so beneficial, and how you can get started on your adventure.

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