The causes, effects, and solutions to the global homelessness crisis

The situation grows more dire with the worsening economic climate

Stars Insider

27/12/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Human rights

Homelessness has been a problem around the world for hundreds upon hundreds of years, and while it has been successfully fought in some countries, it remains a pressing issue in many parts of the world. Lack of government intervention, social stigma, and the countless effects of homelessness that can turn into a vicious and unbreakable cycle all contribute to the persistent struggle of millions of people. Homelessness is rarely as talked about as it should be, which is a significant reason why these issues persist. Many aspects of being unhoused aren't widely known or understood, only further alienating those who are struggling.

Exemplifying this point is the new law that came into effect in Florida on October 1. The state's homeless population is now banned from sleeping in public, meaning they can no longer spend the night on sidewalks, in parks, or any other public spaces. It's estimated that there are 31,000 unhoused people currently living in Florida, although experts suggest this number is likely underreported. While the state allocated a budget of US$30 million to help its cities and counties provide housing solutions, this is likely insufficient. The bill was signed into law by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in March with overwhelming support from the Florida Legislature, but its critics are also significant in number. "Homelessness is not a crime, and the county jail system is not a solution," commented Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony. Jacob Torner, vice president of the TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness, said, "The impacts of this law are going to make it more difficult for these individuals to engage in the services that will get them off the streets because they'll become more fearful." 

Read on to learn about the world's homelessness crisis, what contributes to it, and what can be done to fix it.

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