The deadly accuracy of spy planes

Photos from the air taken with courage during conflict

Stars Insider

26/02/25 | StarsInsider


The development of aerial reconnaissance dates back to the late 1800s when tethered observation balloons were used to survey artillery and troop movements on battlefields. But it was during the First World War when the idea of using an aircraft to reconnoiter the theater of conflict really took off. By the Second World War, accurate aerial reconnaissance was responsible for determining the location of enemy gun emplacements and rocket launch sites. Later, at the height of the Cold War, spy planes picked out missiles being placed in Cuba. But flying over hostile territory armed with cameras instead of guns required exceptional airmanship and extraordinary courage, with pilots standing every chance of being shot down before even pressing the shutter. Theirs is an extraordinary story of duty and determination, as compelling as the history of wartime aerial photography itself.

Click through and focus on the dangerous skill of wartime aerial reconnaissance.

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