Eerie tales and legends from route 66

Tales that'll make you think twice about that road trip

Stars Insider

02/12/24 | StarsInsider


For many people, a road trip down the Mother Road, the United States' iconic Route 66, is a dream vacation. From Illinois to California, the rolling and ever-changing landscapes, the small towns and big cities along the way, and the simple joy of cruising down one of the longest roads in the world make for a perfect adventure. Unfortunately, you can get more than just your kicks on Route 66. The iconic highway is notoriously haunted, and weaves through some pretty supernaturally shady areas. For some, that might make the trip even more enticing, but for others, it might be a dealbreaker.

Whichever way you're leaning, read on to discover some of the creepiest and spookiest stories about Route 66.

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