How to make friends as an adult

It’s a familiar scenario to be in the awkward position of trying to make new friends

Stars Insider

15/11/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Relationships

If you send a young child to a playground for an hour, odds are they will make several new friends, have at least one disagreement, make up with that person and become friends again, and leave without any self-doubt. Indeed, the ease with which children seem to make friends is so enviable to us as adults. After all, it’s not uncommon to find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of needing to make some new friends, and having no clue how to go about it...

Making friends as an adult is a totally different ball game. We’re so much more aware of supposed social restrictions and the potential for rejection. But that doesn’t mean we should let fear hold us back from experiencing everything we want in life. There are plenty of steps we can take to put ourselves in situations where we’re more likely to make new friends and generally be more fulfilled.

Read through this gallery for a list of strategies and suggestions from various experts on how to make friends as an adult. Click on!

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