Hilarious pickup lines that will at least get you a laugh

Whether it's a fresh crush or an old partner, they never fail to get a smile

Stars Insider

17/03/25 | StarsInsider


In today’s age, dating can be rough. And sometimes it can be even harder to keep the spark alive once you’re already in a relationship! But when you’re doing things like online dating or trying to meet someone in real life, it can be incredibly difficult to work up the courage to approach them or send the first message. You’re navigating so many fine lines between trying not to be too forward but still showing you’re interested, all while offering yourself up for rejection.

Luckily, something you can always count on is humor. People love to laugh, and funny people are always a little more attractive because of it. So, to get your flirting game back on track, click through to see some of the funniest pickup lines out there that will break the ice and make the person you desire smile and crack up.

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