Amazing creatures with sixth senses

These animals experience the world a little differently than we do

Stars Insider

20/06/24 | StarsInsider


The animal kingdom holds so many wonders and mysteries, and there are new discoveries all the time that shed more light on how certain animals work the way they do, and the unique and beautiful ways they interact with the world. As humans, it's hard for us to imagine having a sensory relationship with the world different from the one we have. It's hard to conceptualize feeling the magnetic pull of the earth, or tasting our surroundings with every part of our body. We are so accustomed to our five senses and the way they help us perceive the world around us, but so many animals experience that same world in completely unique ways. All different species of mammals, birds, fish, and even microscopic organisms possess wondrous powers of perception that would leave us humans in awe.

Curious? Read on to find out more about the fascinating extra senses that animals use to navigate the world.

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