Unexpected jobs within the British royal household

Are you in the market for a new career?

Stars Insider

03/03/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE British royal family

If you’ve ever wondered what “pomp and circumstance” really means, look no further. The British royal family applies grandiosity and solemnity to even the most mundane tasks, such as changing the clocks or breaking in a new pair of shoes. Bearing in mind, of course, that a member of the royal family would never deal with such minutiae themselves. Naturally, they have an enormous staff on hand to ensure that every detail of their lives is handled smoothly and with a ceremonial flare.

If you weren’t born with blue blood and marrying into the family isn’t likely, then your best shot at getting a look inside the life of a royal is to apply for a job at the palace. Riveting positions such as Royal Linen Keeper and Master of Swans are just a couple of roles that might appear on the careers page of Buckingham Palace.

Curious? Click through the following gallery to learn about some of the most bizarre and flamboyantly named job positions that exist within the royal household.

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