Aesop's famous fables and the lessons they teach us all

Storytelling and teaching have gone hand in hand since ancient Greece

Stars Insider

22/08/24 | StarsInsider


Storytelling has, since ancient times, been an invaluable tool for imparting wisdom in a way that's both entertaining and digestible. Through metaphor and allegory, some of the greatest stories ever told have been less about the actual characters and events they depict, but rather the lessons and morals that lie just beneath the surface. One of the oldest and most prolific storytellers, the Greek fabulist known as Aesop set the standard for teaching lessons through simple stories. Many of the more than 700 fables that are credited to him are still told and referred to today, and, despite being written in ancient Greece, the lessons they teach us are just as useful today as they were back then.

Intrigued? Read on to learn about some of the Greek master's most fascinating fables.

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