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Be confident -
All good role models know how to tread the line between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is about recognizing your skills and self-worth, whereas arrogance is about self-importance.
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Be confident -
Good ways to demonstrate confidence might include volunteering to take on a new project that matches your skillset, or bringing a new idea to the table.
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Be yourself -
If you are going to be a good role model, you need to be fully comfortable and embrace your quirks. The best role models are unapologetically themselves.
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Be yourself -
Don’t be afraid to show your personality at work, whether you do it by sharing a joke with a colleague or by wearing your favorite (not necessarily stylish) outfit.
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Address your weaknesses -
Role models do not have to be perfect, but they do have to be ready to accept their weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge where your weak spots are and work to improve them.
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Address your weaknesses -
For example, you might ask a more experienced colleague for help on a tough new project, or say no to new commitments when you already have a full schedule.
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Respect everyone -
Showing respect for those around you, no matter their level of seniority or experience, will earn people’s trust and admiration. Be sure to treat others how you’d like to be treated.
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Respect everyone -
Good ways to show respect include waiting your turn to speak, apologizing if you make a mistake, and thanking people for their time.
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Prioritize communication -
A good role model will always prioritize good, clear communication. They will share feedback directly and email their colleagues if they need something.
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Prioritize communication -
It is a good idea to be as direct as possible. A good role model will never communicate passive aggressively or try to make others read between the lines.
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Share constructive feedback -
It is a common trait of role models that they give their colleagues plenty of opportunities to improve. Of course, you should always start by acknowledging a person’s hard work.
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Share constructive feedback -
Once you have taken your moment to congratulate the colleague, let them know how they can perform even better next time. Try to be as clear, kind, and direct as possible.
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Push yourself -
A good role model is always looking to learn more and improve themselves. The more you demonstrate your willingness to learn and grow, the stronger the role model you’ll be.
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Push yourself -
Pay attention to those around you and the things you can learn from them. Remember that everyone you meet knows something you don’t.
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Own up to your mistakes -
When it comes to being a good role model, transparency is much more important than perfection. Don’t be afraid to admit to it when you’ve done something wrong.
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Own up to your mistakes -
For example, if you deliver late on a project, be sure to explain the real reason why and apologize for making your colleagues wait.
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Set high goals - A good role model expects great things of themselves and of others. They believe in everyone’s ability and want to put it to good use.
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Set high goals -
Don’t be afraid to set ambitious goals for yourself and for others. Goals should always be manageable, however, so don’t forget to bear in mind what is realistic.
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Live with integrity -
Fairness and honesty are always important to good role models, so don’t forget their importance. Make sure you treat everyone equally, and don’t hand out favors to certain individuals.
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Live with integrity -
For example, don’t offer to prepare one person to interview for an exciting new position and leave another equally-qualified colleague in the dark.
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Carry your weight -
Role models are always great team players; they don’t let other people do their work for them. Always make sure you are doing your bit and that other people are doing theirs.
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Carry your weight - Remember that it is worth putting the work in: the more reliable and dependable you are now, the more people will look up to you in the long run.
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Enjoy yourself -
It is important that you make the most of your day-to-day work. Role models are not the kind of people who are counting down the minutes until they can go home.
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Enjoy yourself -
Instead, role models make the most of every minute they have at work. That doesn’t mean you have to enjoy every task, but try to recognize the tasks you do enjoy and take enjoyment from them.
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Be optimistic - Equally if not more important than enjoying yourself at work is to be optimistic, as this is what tends to influence others. Try to make the most of all situations.
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Be optimistic -
For example, if sales are down one month, see that as an opportunity to maximize your marketing strategy for the next month.
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Embrace new ideas -
To be a great role model, you’ll need to truly believe in the talents and ideas of those around you. Remember that everyone has something to offer.
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Embrace new ideas -
Encourage other people to express their ideas and embrace those ideas when they do. Don’t be afraid to let colleagues run with their innovative ideas.
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Learn from the best -
Last but not least, you might find it helpful to think of who your role models are and note down some of their behaviors.
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Learn from the best -
Once you have a list of those behaviors, consider the ways in which you may already be modeling some of them and also where there may be room for improvement.
Sources: (WikiHow) (LinkedIn)
See also: The most in-demand job skills today
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Be confident -
All good role models know how to tread the line between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is about recognizing your skills and self-worth, whereas arrogance is about self-importance.
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Be confident -
Good ways to demonstrate confidence might include volunteering to take on a new project that matches your skillset, or bringing a new idea to the table.
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Be yourself -
If you are going to be a good role model, you need to be fully comfortable and embrace your quirks. The best role models are unapologetically themselves.
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Be yourself -
Don’t be afraid to show your personality at work, whether you do it by sharing a joke with a colleague or by wearing your favorite (not necessarily stylish) outfit.
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Address your weaknesses -
Role models do not have to be perfect, but they do have to be ready to accept their weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge where your weak spots are and work to improve them.
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Address your weaknesses -
For example, you might ask a more experienced colleague for help on a tough new project, or say no to new commitments when you already have a full schedule.
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Respect everyone -
Showing respect for those around you, no matter their level of seniority or experience, will earn people’s trust and admiration. Be sure to treat others how you’d like to be treated.
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Respect everyone -
Good ways to show respect include waiting your turn to speak, apologizing if you make a mistake, and thanking people for their time.
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Prioritize communication -
A good role model will always prioritize good, clear communication. They will share feedback directly and email their colleagues if they need something.
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Prioritize communication -
It is a good idea to be as direct as possible. A good role model will never communicate passive aggressively or try to make others read between the lines.
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Share constructive feedback -
It is a common trait of role models that they give their colleagues plenty of opportunities to improve. Of course, you should always start by acknowledging a person’s hard work.
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Share constructive feedback -
Once you have taken your moment to congratulate the colleague, let them know how they can perform even better next time. Try to be as clear, kind, and direct as possible.
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Push yourself -
A good role model is always looking to learn more and improve themselves. The more you demonstrate your willingness to learn and grow, the stronger the role model you’ll be.
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Push yourself -
Pay attention to those around you and the things you can learn from them. Remember that everyone you meet knows something you don’t.
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Own up to your mistakes -
When it comes to being a good role model, transparency is much more important than perfection. Don’t be afraid to admit to it when you’ve done something wrong.
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Own up to your mistakes -
For example, if you deliver late on a project, be sure to explain the real reason why and apologize for making your colleagues wait.
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Set high goals - A good role model expects great things of themselves and of others. They believe in everyone’s ability and want to put it to good use.
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Set high goals -
Don’t be afraid to set ambitious goals for yourself and for others. Goals should always be manageable, however, so don’t forget to bear in mind what is realistic.
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Live with integrity -
Fairness and honesty are always important to good role models, so don’t forget their importance. Make sure you treat everyone equally, and don’t hand out favors to certain individuals.
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Live with integrity -
For example, don’t offer to prepare one person to interview for an exciting new position and leave another equally-qualified colleague in the dark.
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Carry your weight -
Role models are always great team players; they don’t let other people do their work for them. Always make sure you are doing your bit and that other people are doing theirs.
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Carry your weight - Remember that it is worth putting the work in: the more reliable and dependable you are now, the more people will look up to you in the long run.
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Enjoy yourself -
It is important that you make the most of your day-to-day work. Role models are not the kind of people who are counting down the minutes until they can go home.
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Enjoy yourself -
Instead, role models make the most of every minute they have at work. That doesn’t mean you have to enjoy every task, but try to recognize the tasks you do enjoy and take enjoyment from them.
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Be optimistic - Equally if not more important than enjoying yourself at work is to be optimistic, as this is what tends to influence others. Try to make the most of all situations.
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Be optimistic -
For example, if sales are down one month, see that as an opportunity to maximize your marketing strategy for the next month.
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Embrace new ideas -
To be a great role model, you’ll need to truly believe in the talents and ideas of those around you. Remember that everyone has something to offer.
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Embrace new ideas -
Encourage other people to express their ideas and embrace those ideas when they do. Don’t be afraid to let colleagues run with their innovative ideas.
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Learn from the best -
Last but not least, you might find it helpful to think of who your role models are and note down some of their behaviors.
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Learn from the best -
Once you have a list of those behaviors, consider the ways in which you may already be modeling some of them and also where there may be room for improvement.
Sources: (WikiHow) (LinkedIn)
See also: The most in-demand job skills today
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Are you a good role model?
The common traits of those we look up to
© Shutterstock
Whatever your aims and ambitions in life, you probably have a role model. You might not be able to name that person off the cuff, but if you gave it some thought you'd probably come up with someone whose behaviors and influence you would like to emulate. We tend to put our role models on a pedestal and think that they have a God-given gift that allows them to live their lives in such an inspiring way. In reality, however, there are things we can all actively do to become the sort of person others look up to.
Check out this gallery for some tips on how to become a good role model in the workplace.

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