Signs you were raised by helicopter parents

How hands-on were your old folks?

Stars Insider

04/11/24 | StarsInsider


Being a mother or father is tricky business. There is no perfect way to do it, but some parents take it to the extreme. Have you ever felt that, even if they love you, your folks have tried to control you too much? As a child, did you just wish for a little more independence?

Well, you could be a product of helicopter parenting. It's not all bad, and it's not all good. On the one hand, you have a pillar of strength to rely on and endless advice from adults much more experienced than you. On the other hand, excessive intervention from your parents may have caused you to be more sensitive or have a hard time adjusting without their help.

If any of these circumstances sound familiar, it's worth finding out if they were helicopter parents, so you can understand some of your own emotions towards your relationship with them. Click through this gallery for signs that your parents were of the helicopter variety.

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