Nostradamus' predictions: will King Charles III abdicate?

The famous 16th-century oracle predicted trouble for King Charles

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider


Nostradamus was a French astrologer born at the beginning of the 16th century. He worked as a physician, but he is famed for his supposed ability to predict the future and is credited with foreseeing many major world events. Most of his predictions were written in the form of short cryptic poems, collected in his famous 1555 book, ‘Les Prophéties.' His artistic musings have exasperated historians, and many of them could be interpreted to apply to a number of events. Naturally, his claims are met with a great deal of skepticism, but many of his predictions contain very specific details that came true.

In fact, some of his poems predicted the most important and devastating events of the last century, from the rise of Hitler to the invention of the atomic bomb, and the 9/11 terror attacks. Experts who have studied his work are now saying that he predicted the death of Queen Elizabeth at the right age, and that his vision for Charles's future as King is not very hopeful. 

Curious to know more? Click through this gallery to discover what Nostradamus wrote about the fate of the British royal family, and which of his other prophecies have already been fulfilled.

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