What it’s like working in the Secret Service, as revealed by agents

Former members of the Secret Service share their strange and fascinating stories

Stars Insider

20/12/24 | StarsInsider


The US Secret Service agents are the primary protection for presidents, vice presidents, the entire First Family, and even candidates on the campaign trail. They're constantly with the people they're sworn to protect, and they are meant to be as invisible as humanly possible. Of course, this involves rigorous training and a difficult application process, but once you're in, you're privy to the personal lives of some of the most powerful people in the world.

With that comes some pretty monumental revelations, and some perhaps unanticipated quirks to the job. Some agents have come forward about their experiences, offering a fascinating insight into what it's really like to guard the leader of the free world. Click through to read some of their stories.

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