See Also
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- Sharing at least 98% of its DNA with humans, the chimpanzee is our closest relative. It is not surprising, then, that chimpanzees are amongst the most intelligent creatures on the planet.
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1 / 31 Fotos
Chimpanzee - Chimps are able to make and use their own tools, and are known to experience emotions such as empathy, altruism, and self-awareness.
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2 / 31 Fotos
- Dolphins demonstrate a key indicator of intelligence: creativity. One dolphin in Australia used a sponge to fashion herself a snout protector for hunting on the seafloor.
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3 / 31 Fotos
- Dolphins also use a series of distinctive whistles and clicks, which is thought to amount to some sort of dolphin spoken language.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
- It is common knowledge that elephants have brilliant memories, but this isn’t the only facet of their intelligence.
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5 / 31 Fotos
- Elephants have also been observed comforting each other in times of distress and communicating with each other using vibrations felt in their feet.
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
Octopus - The relative smarts of cephalopods such as octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish are the subject of much scientific interest. The seaborne invertebrates demonstrate insatiable curiosity, the capacity to learn, and the ability to use tools.
© iStock
7 / 31 Fotos
- Exactly how smart these animals are is yet to be determined, but they are unquestionably amongst the more intelligent marine lifeforms.
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8 / 31 Fotos
- Crows are known for being extremely resourceful–they are able to make tools to help them reach food in otherwise unreachable places.
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- Ravens, a type of crow, are also crafty in another way: they are able to manipulate their fellow crows in order to optimize their chances of finding protection and food.
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10 / 31 Fotos
- Research shows that these adorable rodents are capable of tricking anything or anyone who may steal their food. In one experiment, the deceptive plotting of squirrels increased after they saw humans taking their nuts.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
- Studies have also shown that squirrels are able to make three-dimensional maps to help them find their way back to where they buried their nuts.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
- Of course it’s common knowledge that dogs are capable of learning to sit, lie, and fetch. But dogs may be even more intelligent than we realize.
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13 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, a dog accurately distinguished between photos of dogs and photos of landscapes.
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14 / 31 Fotos
- It is also possible to train a cat to obey commands, but this is more difficult than training a dog.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
- However, this does not necessarily mean that cats are less intelligent–according to experts, they are simply different.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
- It is a truth universally acknowledged that pigs are extremely intelligent, perhaps just as smart as chimpanzees.
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, pigs learned just as quickly as chimpanzees to differentiate between images they knew and images they were seeing for the first time.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
- Research has shown that goats are likely a lot more intelligent than we might be led to assume. One experiment required a sample of 12 goats to work a complex contraption that delivers food.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
- Nine out of the twelve managed it after about four attempts, and the majority still recalled how to work the device 10 months later.
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
- These striped critters are hugely important to our ecosystem, but their talents stretch far wider than simply pollinating our plants.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, scientists successfully taught bees to identify which of two parallel horizontal lines was above the other.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
- Research shows that a raccoon’s famous ‘waste not, want not’ attitude is not the only example of its street smarts.
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23 / 31 Fotos
- In a 1908 experiment, it took under 10 attempts for raccoons to pick a complex lock.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
- When it comes to intelligence, a chicken may not look like much compared to a dog or a dolphin, but they are actually not as dopey as they seem.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
- Research suggests that they are able to identify different colors and shapes.
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Gray parrot
- Although it is the gray parrot’s ability to accurately mimic human speech that makes it such a fun pet, this gorgeous parrot can also solve complex problems.
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27 / 31 Fotos
Gray parrot
- According to Live Science, gray parrots have the same smarts as a three-year-old human child.
© Shutterstock
28 / 31 Fotos
- Although their ability is more unsung than that of dolphins, whales also use complex sounds to communicate with each other.
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29 / 31 Fotos
- They also have a high capacity to solve problems. See also: Genius animals with amazing jobs.
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30 / 31 Fotos
© Shutterstock
0 / 31 Fotos
- Sharing at least 98% of its DNA with humans, the chimpanzee is our closest relative. It is not surprising, then, that chimpanzees are amongst the most intelligent creatures on the planet.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
Chimpanzee - Chimps are able to make and use their own tools, and are known to experience emotions such as empathy, altruism, and self-awareness.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
- Dolphins demonstrate a key indicator of intelligence: creativity. One dolphin in Australia used a sponge to fashion herself a snout protector for hunting on the seafloor.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
- Dolphins also use a series of distinctive whistles and clicks, which is thought to amount to some sort of dolphin spoken language.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
- It is common knowledge that elephants have brilliant memories, but this isn’t the only facet of their intelligence.
© Shutterstock
5 / 31 Fotos
- Elephants have also been observed comforting each other in times of distress and communicating with each other using vibrations felt in their feet.
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
Octopus - The relative smarts of cephalopods such as octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish are the subject of much scientific interest. The seaborne invertebrates demonstrate insatiable curiosity, the capacity to learn, and the ability to use tools.
© iStock
7 / 31 Fotos
- Exactly how smart these animals are is yet to be determined, but they are unquestionably amongst the more intelligent marine lifeforms.
© Shutterstock
8 / 31 Fotos
- Crows are known for being extremely resourceful–they are able to make tools to help them reach food in otherwise unreachable places.
© Shutterstock
9 / 31 Fotos
- Ravens, a type of crow, are also crafty in another way: they are able to manipulate their fellow crows in order to optimize their chances of finding protection and food.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
- Research shows that these adorable rodents are capable of tricking anything or anyone who may steal their food. In one experiment, the deceptive plotting of squirrels increased after they saw humans taking their nuts.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
- Studies have also shown that squirrels are able to make three-dimensional maps to help them find their way back to where they buried their nuts.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
- Of course it’s common knowledge that dogs are capable of learning to sit, lie, and fetch. But dogs may be even more intelligent than we realize.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, a dog accurately distinguished between photos of dogs and photos of landscapes.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
- It is also possible to train a cat to obey commands, but this is more difficult than training a dog.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
- However, this does not necessarily mean that cats are less intelligent–according to experts, they are simply different.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
- It is a truth universally acknowledged that pigs are extremely intelligent, perhaps just as smart as chimpanzees.
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, pigs learned just as quickly as chimpanzees to differentiate between images they knew and images they were seeing for the first time.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
- Research has shown that goats are likely a lot more intelligent than we might be led to assume. One experiment required a sample of 12 goats to work a complex contraption that delivers food.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
- Nine out of the twelve managed it after about four attempts, and the majority still recalled how to work the device 10 months later.
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
- These striped critters are hugely important to our ecosystem, but their talents stretch far wider than simply pollinating our plants.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
- In one experiment, scientists successfully taught bees to identify which of two parallel horizontal lines was above the other.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
- Research shows that a raccoon’s famous ‘waste not, want not’ attitude is not the only example of its street smarts.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
- In a 1908 experiment, it took under 10 attempts for raccoons to pick a complex lock.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
- When it comes to intelligence, a chicken may not look like much compared to a dog or a dolphin, but they are actually not as dopey as they seem.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
- Research suggests that they are able to identify different colors and shapes.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
Gray parrot
- Although it is the gray parrot’s ability to accurately mimic human speech that makes it such a fun pet, this gorgeous parrot can also solve complex problems.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
Gray parrot
- According to Live Science, gray parrots have the same smarts as a three-year-old human child.
© Shutterstock
28 / 31 Fotos
- Although their ability is more unsung than that of dolphins, whales also use complex sounds to communicate with each other.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
- They also have a high capacity to solve problems. See also: Genius animals with amazing jobs.
© Shutterstock
30 / 31 Fotos
The world's smartest animals
Animal kingdom's top intelligent beings
© Shutterstock
Although the concept of intelligence is notoriously difficult to define, it is usually accepted that humans are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. We are able to solve problems, generate new ideas, and experience complex emotions.
A much more heavily debated issue is which animal ranks second to humans in terms of intelligence. Indeed, there are a number of creatures in the world that exhibit different signs of intelligence. Check out this gallery to find out which are the smartest members of the animal kingdom.

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