See Also
See Again
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Reality TV
- Back in 1973, there was a TV show called 'An American Family,' which followed the real life of Pat and Bill Loud, and their children.
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Vending machines
- Hero of Alexandria also came up with a vending machine-like invention that allowed people in Ancient Egypt to buy limited amounts of holy water with a coin-operated system.
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Brain surgery
- An ancient grave was found in Ensisheim, France. A skull was discovered, which showed signs of holes that had healed, caused by surgery.
© Shutterstock
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Text message slang
- People started sending telegrams in the late 19th century, and they were charged by the letter. Therefore they would abbreviate words, like in modern text messages.
© Shutterstock
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Contact lenses
- The concept for the contact lens was invented by Leonardo da Vinci, who suggested that the cornea could be improved by contact with water.
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- The first soda dates back to 1783, when Switzerland native J.J. Schweppe started selling soda water in Geneva.
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- The first telephone came long before Alexander Graham Bell. It was invented by the Chimu civilization in Peru, and consists of gourds and twine.
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Video games
- A physics professor named Thomas Goldsmith, Jr. invented the first video game in the 1940s. He achieved this by connecting a cathode ray tube to an oscilloscope.
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Central heating
- The ancient Romans had a system called a hypocaust, which would circulate warm air under the floor and into the walls.
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Digital music player
- More than two decades before the iPod was launched, the IXI System was created. The portable music player was invented in 1979 by Kane Kramer and James Campbell.
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- The first moving images were discovered in cave paintings in Lascaux, France. The effect was created through observing the walls in the light of oil-burning lamps.
© Shutterstock
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Toilet paper
- The first record of paper being used in the bathroom comes from Chinese scholar Yan Zhitui in 589 CE.
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- Nathan Ames was a lawyer and poet who invented the escalator in 1859. He described it as "revolving stairs."
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- The first battery dates back to 250 BCE, and was discovered in Iraq. It was capable of producing up to two volts of electricity.
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Automatic doors
- The first automatically opening door was invented by the Greek mathematician and engineer Hero of Alexandria.
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- The first computer was invented in 1821 by British mathematician Charles Babbage. It was enormous, and was effectively a giant calculator.
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The Seismoscope
- The first machine to detect earthquakes was devised by Chinese inventor Zhang Heng in 132 CE.
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Social media
- In 16th century Netherlands, there was a system whereby books were passed around from friend to friend, and new "posts" were entered.
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- The Syrian engineer Callinicus invented the flamethrower in 678 CE. Highly combustible fluid was released from a siphon, and would turn into flames when hitting its target.
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Music streaming
- New York resident Thaddeus Cahill invented the Telharmonium in 1898. It transmitted music to restaurants and hotels by telephone.
© Shutterstock
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- The Japanese company was founded in 1889, and was initially just a small company that specialized in playing cards.
© Shutterstock
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Fast food
- Ancient Romans were able to buy hot food from street vendors. The typical dish would involve meat, cheese, and lentils, and would be served with wine.
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- Mathematician William Bourne came up with the prototype for the submarine back in the 1500s, but didn't live long enough to see his invention come to fruition.
© Shutterstock
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3D films
- This art form is far older than you think. The 1922 silent film 'The Power of Love' was the first 3D cinematic motion picture.
© Shutterstock
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Fax machine
- The first fax machine was invented by Scottish mechanic Alexander Bain in 1843, and transmitted images in the same way a telegram transmitted text.
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Color film
- The first color film was created by chemist and photographer Edward Raymond Turner in 1899, 40 years before they hit theater screens.
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© Getty Images
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Reality TV
- Back in 1973, there was a TV show called 'An American Family,' which followed the real life of Pat and Bill Loud, and their children.
© Shutterstock
1 / 27 Fotos
Vending machines
- Hero of Alexandria also came up with a vending machine-like invention that allowed people in Ancient Egypt to buy limited amounts of holy water with a coin-operated system.
© Shutterstock
2 / 27 Fotos
Brain surgery
- An ancient grave was found in Ensisheim, France. A skull was discovered, which showed signs of holes that had healed, caused by surgery.
© Shutterstock
3 / 27 Fotos
Text message slang
- People started sending telegrams in the late 19th century, and they were charged by the letter. Therefore they would abbreviate words, like in modern text messages.
© Shutterstock
4 / 27 Fotos
Contact lenses
- The concept for the contact lens was invented by Leonardo da Vinci, who suggested that the cornea could be improved by contact with water.
© Shutterstock
5 / 27 Fotos
- The first soda dates back to 1783, when Switzerland native J.J. Schweppe started selling soda water in Geneva.
© Shutterstock
6 / 27 Fotos
- The first telephone came long before Alexander Graham Bell. It was invented by the Chimu civilization in Peru, and consists of gourds and twine.
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Video games
- A physics professor named Thomas Goldsmith, Jr. invented the first video game in the 1940s. He achieved this by connecting a cathode ray tube to an oscilloscope.
© Shutterstock
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Central heating
- The ancient Romans had a system called a hypocaust, which would circulate warm air under the floor and into the walls.
© Shutterstock
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Digital music player
- More than two decades before the iPod was launched, the IXI System was created. The portable music player was invented in 1979 by Kane Kramer and James Campbell.
© Shutterstock
10 / 27 Fotos
- The first moving images were discovered in cave paintings in Lascaux, France. The effect was created through observing the walls in the light of oil-burning lamps.
© Shutterstock
11 / 27 Fotos
Toilet paper
- The first record of paper being used in the bathroom comes from Chinese scholar Yan Zhitui in 589 CE.
© Shutterstock
12 / 27 Fotos
- Nathan Ames was a lawyer and poet who invented the escalator in 1859. He described it as "revolving stairs."
© Shutterstock
13 / 27 Fotos
- The first battery dates back to 250 BCE, and was discovered in Iraq. It was capable of producing up to two volts of electricity.
© Shutterstock
14 / 27 Fotos
Automatic doors
- The first automatically opening door was invented by the Greek mathematician and engineer Hero of Alexandria.
© Shutterstock
15 / 27 Fotos
- The first computer was invented in 1821 by British mathematician Charles Babbage. It was enormous, and was effectively a giant calculator.
© Shutterstock
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The Seismoscope
- The first machine to detect earthquakes was devised by Chinese inventor Zhang Heng in 132 CE.
© Shutterstock
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Social media
- In 16th century Netherlands, there was a system whereby books were passed around from friend to friend, and new "posts" were entered.
© Shutterstock
18 / 27 Fotos
- The Syrian engineer Callinicus invented the flamethrower in 678 CE. Highly combustible fluid was released from a siphon, and would turn into flames when hitting its target.
© Shutterstock
19 / 27 Fotos
Music streaming
- New York resident Thaddeus Cahill invented the Telharmonium in 1898. It transmitted music to restaurants and hotels by telephone.
© Shutterstock
20 / 27 Fotos
- The Japanese company was founded in 1889, and was initially just a small company that specialized in playing cards.
© Shutterstock
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Fast food
- Ancient Romans were able to buy hot food from street vendors. The typical dish would involve meat, cheese, and lentils, and would be served with wine.
© Shutterstock
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- Mathematician William Bourne came up with the prototype for the submarine back in the 1500s, but didn't live long enough to see his invention come to fruition.
© Shutterstock
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3D films
- This art form is far older than you think. The 1922 silent film 'The Power of Love' was the first 3D cinematic motion picture.
© Shutterstock
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Fax machine
- The first fax machine was invented by Scottish mechanic Alexander Bain in 1843, and transmitted images in the same way a telegram transmitted text.
© Shutterstock
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Color film
- The first color film was created by chemist and photographer Edward Raymond Turner in 1899, 40 years before they hit theater screens.
© Shutterstock
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Inventions that have stood the test of time
You'll be surprised to learn how old they are!
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We often imagine that many of the innovative things that we take for granted are at least relatively new. But this is not always the case! Sometimes the history of inventions goes back far further than we would ever guess.
Take a look through the following gallery to find out which inventions are much older than you thought. Click on!

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