Would you join the human rewilding movement?

After being stuck indoors for so long, this might be the antidote

Stars Insider

26/08/24 | StarsInsider


Do you know how to locate fresh water? Start a fire from scratch? Identify a plant other than poison ivy? As we inch closer to the future of technology and comfort, we move farther and farther away from our roots, and from nature as a whole. In a time of radical change, radical resistance comes as a predictable response. Enter the human rewilding movement.

The movement takes inspiration from the Stone Age but insists that we don’t have to give up our lives to be closer to nature. There are various philosophies and degrees of commitment involved, but its growing popularity could mean great change is on the horizon. Click through the following galleryto see if you have what it takes, and get some ideas on where to start.

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