Oil spill off Russia’s Black Sea coast after storm damages old tankers

An estimated 3,000 tons of oil may have spilled into the sea

Stars Insider

17/12/24 | StarsInsider


An extensive oil spill has contaminated a large stretch along the Black Sea coast in southern Russia's Krasnodar Region following severe damage to two oil tankers, Volgoneft 212 and Volgoneft 239, during a storm on December 15. The vessels, each carrying over 4,000 tons of mazut—a low-grade heavy fuel oil commonly used in power plants in the former Soviet Union—ran aground in high winds in the Kerch Strait, located between Russian-occupied Crimea and mainland Russia.

Together, the tankers were transporting approximately 8,000 metric tons of mazut, according to an unnamed emergency official quoted by the state-run TASS news agency. Reports indicate that both vessels were over 50 years old. Local birdlife has already suffered from the oil spill, and marine ecosystems are likely to face devastating consequences, with cleanup operations posing a significant challenge in the region.

While we wait to see the full scale of ecological damage, let's remember the impact of other catastrophic oil spills that have occurred over the years. Click through this gallery for the grim roll call.

(Image: Illustrative photo)

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