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Quiz: How many quarantine lows have you hit?
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
© Shutterstock
In these dire times, it's good to have an optimistic outlook, but there might also be a dark side to the positivity overload happening. People are feeling pressured to make the most of social isolation, from getting fit to getting things done. The reality, however, is that we’re all coping, and we don’t have to be superhumans suddenly adopting healthy habits and starting those projects we’ve been putting off. Of course, those are great if you can manage them, but most of us are just trying to get by, and that’s enough!
Enter: the hilarious quarantine lows. You can make it into a game like Bingo, or a drinking game if you’re keen on hitting another low. Click through to take a realistic look at isolation and see how many you can relate to.
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