Things you should not Google

You don't want to know the answers of these

Stars Insider

10/12/24 | StarsInsider


As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Sometimes it's better to stay ignorant about certain things. Things that do not really bring anything good to our lives, other than disgust, confusion, and maybe even paranoia. 

It used to be a lot easier. All you had to do was avoid a topic. If need be, you just wouldn't watch TV or read the newspaper for a bit. But everything changed in the digital age. Most information is just a click away, which is both a blessing—and a curse. While search engines such as Google make our lives easier, they can also present us with search results for questions we shouldn't even be asking.

In this gallery you'll find a list of things you should never, ever search on Google. We know how hard it is to resist, but trust us on this one. While these Google searches will not kill you, they'll potentially disturb you, make you sick, and even get you arrested. You've been warned.

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