Useless things you should get rid of—today

When was the last time you sewed a button?

Stars Insider

26/08/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Life hacks

There are certain items that many of us keep at home and we never really question why. Many of these are completely useless, and yet we still keep them around, whether it's due to simply forgetting or we think that "one day they'll be useful." Then they just sit in our homes, and we become so used to them that we don't even notice anymore.

We have talked before about ways to declutter your life and how minimalism can be beneficial, but there are other errors that we keep committing without even realizing it, keeping certain items at home being a common one. 

When was the last time you looked through the expiration dates of products in the back of your pantry or freezer? Or when exactly did you wear the mismatched socks you keep in your drawer? 

It's OK, we're all guilty of keeping all sorts of useless stuff around. But after reading this gallery, you'll have no excuses, so click through and start getting things out of the house today.

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