Japan issues tsunami warning following 6.9 magnitude earthquake

The earthquake hit Japan's Kyushu region

Stars Insider

13/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Natural disasters

A powerful earthquake, measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale, has struck the Kyushu region of southwestern Japan, triggering authorities to release a tsunami warning.

The Japan Meteorological Agency reported that the earthquake occurred today at around 9:20 pm local time (7:30 am EST). It was recorded offshore, in Miyazaki Prefecture, at a depth of about 19 miles (30 km). So far no casualties have been reported, however, a tsunami advisory has been issued for Miyazaki and Kochi.

Every year, thousands of tiny tremors are recorded all over the planet. However, some earthquakes are remembered throughout history for their unparalleled destruction and devastation. Click through the following gallery to discover some of the highest-magnitude earthquakes ever recorded.

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